BrightSide Workbench Full Report + Source Code
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1 /*
2  * TurrĂ³ i Cutiller Foundation. License notice.
3  * Copyright (C) 2011 Lluis TurrĂ³ Cutiller <>
4  *
5  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8  * (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
16  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
17  */
18 package org.turro.elephant.impl.context;
20 import;
21 import;
22 import;
23 import java.nio.file.Path;
24 import java.util.*;
25 import java.util.logging.Level;
26 import java.util.logging.Logger;
27 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
28 import org.turro.string.Strings;
29 import org.jdom.Attribute;
30 import org.jdom.Element;
31 import org.jdom.output.Format;
32 import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
33 import org.turro.elephant.context.ElephantContext;
34 import org.turro.elephant.context.IConstructor;
35 import org.turro.elephant.context.IContext;
36 import org.turro.elephant.context.IElement;
37 import;
38 import org.turro.elephant.impl.navigation.Navigator;
39 import org.turro.elephant.impl.navigation.WebMap;
40 import org.turro.elephant.impl.repository.Repository;
41 import org.turro.elephant.impl.util.FileUtil;
42 import org.turro.elephant.impl.util.Files;
43 import org.turro.elephant.layout.IManageable;
44 import;
45 import;
46 import;
47 import;
48 import;
49 import org.turro.elephant.web.ElContext;
50 import org.turro.elephant.web.ElContextMap;
51 import org.turro.elephant.web.context.WebContext;
52 import org.turro.i18n.I_;
53 import org.turro.marker.ElephantMarker;
54 import org.turro.util.CompareUtil;
60 public class DefaultContext implements IManageable, IDefendable, ISearchable, IContext, Comparable {
61  public static final String
62  //NO_SPACE_TABLE = "<table border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>",
63  //ANY_EXT_REGEXP = "\\.([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-]+)",
64  CONTEXT_FILE = "/_internal/context.xml";
66  protected String path;
67  protected File file;
68  protected IElement usedElement = null;
69  protected Element conf;
70  //protected IElement[] elements;
71  protected IContext[] children, ancestors;
72  protected IContext parent;
73  protected String[] defaultLocales;
77  public DefaultContext() {
79  }
81  @Override
82  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
83  return (
84  (obj instanceof IContext) &&
86  );
87  }
89  @Override
90  public int hashCode() {
91  int hash = 7;
92  hash = 79 * hash + (this.path != null ? this.path.hashCode() : 0);
93  return hash;
94  }
96  @Override
97  public String getId() {
98  return file.getName();
99  }
101  @Override
102  public String getType() {
103  return "context";
104  }
106  @Override
107  public IContext getContext() {
108  return this;
109  }
111  @Override
112  public String getName() {
113  ElContext elContext = getElContext();
114  if(elContext != null) {
115  return getElContext().getWebContext().getName();
116  } else {
117  return getId();
118  }
119  }
121  @Override
122  public String getName(String lang) {
123  ElContext elContext = getElContext();
124  if(elContext != null) {
125  return elContext.getWebContext().getNames().get(lang);
126  } else {
127  return getId();
128  }
129 // if(conf != null) {
130 // Element i18n = conf.getChild("i18n");
131 // if(i18n != null) {
132 // Element name = i18n.getChild("name");
133 // if(name != null) {
134 // String[] pref = getLocaleSufixes(lang);
135 // Element tmp;
136 // for(int i = 0; i < pref.length; i++) {
137 // tmp = name.getChild(pref[i]);
138 // if(tmp != null) {
139 // return tmp.getValue();
140 // }
141 // }
142 // }
143 // }
144 // }
145 // return getId();
146  }
148  @Override
149  public String getExactName(String lang) {
150  return getElContext().getWebContext().getNames().get(lang);
151 // if(conf != null) {
152 // Element i18n = conf.getChild("i18n");
153 // if(i18n != null) {
154 // Element name = i18n.getChild("name");
155 // if(name != null) {
156 // Element elang = name.getChild(lang);
157 // if(elang != null) {
158 // return elang.getValue();
159 // }
160 // }
161 // }
162 // }
163 // return getId();
164  }
166  @Override
167  public void setName(String lang, String newName) {
168  getElContext().getWebContext().getNames().put(lang, newName);
169 // if(conf == null) {
170 // Document doc = new Document(new Element("elephant-context"));
171 // conf = doc.getRootElement();
172 // }
173 // Element i18n = conf.getChild("i18n");
174 // if(i18n == null) {
175 // i18n = new Element("i18n");
176 // conf.addContent(i18n);
177 // }
178 // Element name = i18n.getChild("name");
179 // if(name == null) {
180 // name = new Element("name");
181 // i18n.addContent(name);
182 // }
183 // Element tmp = name.getChild(lang);
184 // if(tmp == null) {
185 // tmp = new Element(lang);
186 // name.addContent(tmp);
187 // }
188 // tmp.setText(newName);
189  }
191  @Override
192  public String getTitle() {
193  String title = null;
194  if(usedElement != null) {
195  title = usedElement.getTitle();
196  }
197  return Strings.isBlank(title) ? getName() : title;
198  }
200  @Override
201  public String getIcon() {
202  return getElContext().getWebContext().getImage();
203  }
205  @Override
206  public void setIcon(String icon) {
207  }
209  @Override
210  public String getRedirection() {
211  return getElContext().getWebContext().getRedirect();
212 // return attrSupport.getAttributeValue("redirect", null);
213  }
215  @Override
216  public String getTarget() {
217  return getElContext().getWebContext().getRedirect();
218 // return attrSupport.getAttributeValue("target", null);
219  }
221  @Override
223  if(usedElement == null) {
224  ElContext elContext = getElContext();
225  if(elContext != null) {
226  usedElement = getElContext().getWebContext().getElementInstance(); //getElements(null)[0];
228  }
229  }
230  return usedElement;
231  }
233  @Override
234  public IElement getDefaultElement(String type) {
235 // IElement[] iels = getElements(type);
236 // if(iels.length > 0) return iels[0];
237  return null;
238  }
240 // private IElement[] getElements(String type) {
241 // ArrayList els = new ArrayList();
242 // String strEl = null;
243 // List elList = null;
244 // IElement ielTmp = null;
245 // if(conf != null) {
246 // elList = conf.getChildren("element");
247 // for(Element el : (List<Element>) elList) {
248 // if(el != null) strEl = el.getAttributeValue("type");
249 // ielTmp = ContextFactory.getElement(this, strEl);
250 // ielTmp.setConfiguration(el, null);
251 // els.add(ielTmp);
252 // }
253 // }
254 // if(els.isEmpty()) {
255 // els.add(ContextFactory.getElement(this, "default-element"));
256 // }
257 // return (IElement[]) els.toArray(new IElement[0]);
258 // }
260  @Override
261  public Set<String> getDefaultLocales() {
262  return getElContext().getDefaultLocales();
263 // if(defaultLocales == null) {
264 // getAncestors();
265 // String value = null;
266 // for(int i = ancestors.length - 1; i >= 0 && value == null; i--) {
267 // value = ((IManageable)ancestors[i]).getAttributes().getAttributeValue("lang", null);
268 // }
269 // if(value != null) {
270 // defaultLocales = value.split(" *, *");
271 // }
272 // else {
273 // defaultLocales = new String[0];
274 // }
275 // }
276 // return defaultLocales;
277  }
279  @Override
281  this.constructor = constructor;
282 // if(path == null) {
283 // if(constructor.getRequest() == null) {
284 // this.path = "/";
285 // } else {
286 // this.path = constructor.getRequest().getServletPath();
287 // if(this.path == null) {
288 // this.path = "/";
289 // } else {
290 // int p = this.path.indexOf("?");
291 // if(p > -1) {
292 // this.path = this.path.substring(0, p);
293 // }
294 // }
295 // }
296 // }
297 // else {
298 // this.path = path.replaceAll("[^\\/a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_\\.]", "_");
299 // }
300 // if(this.path.endsWith("/")) this.path = this.path.substring(0, this.path.length() - 1);
301  this.path = locateRealContext(constructor, path);
302  file = new File(ElephantContext.getRealPath(this.path));
303  ElContext elContext = getElContext();
304  if(elContext != null) {
306  attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("showInNavigators", elContext.getWebContext().isShowInNavigators(), true));
307  attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("showAlways", elContext.getWebContext().isShowAlways(), false));
308  attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("printContext", elContext.getWebContext().isPrintContext(), true));
309  attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("contextRole", elContext.getWebContext().getRole(), AttributeItem.STRING_ATTR, null));
312  attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("noindex", elContext.getWebContext().isNoIndex(), false));
313  attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("nofollow", elContext.getWebContext().isNoFollow(), false));
314  attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("print-version", elContext.getWebContext().isPrintVersion(), true));
315  attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("control-version", elContext.getWebContext().isControlVersion(), true));
316  attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("traversalNavigation", elContext.getWebContext().isTraversalNavigation(), false));
317  }
318 // readConfiguration();
319 // attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("order",
320 // (conf != null ? conf.getAttributeValue("order") : null), AttributeItem.STRING_ATTR, "000"));
321 // attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("lang",
322 // (conf != null ? conf.getAttributeValue("lang") : null), AttributeItem.STRING_ATTR, null));
323 // attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("showInNavigators",
324 // (conf != null ? conf.getAttributeValue("showInNavigators") : null), AttributeItem.BOOLEAN_ATTR, "true"));
325 // attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("showAlways",
326 // (conf != null ? conf.getAttributeValue("showAlways") : null), AttributeItem.BOOLEAN_ATTR, "false"));
327 // attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("printContext",
328 // (conf != null ? conf.getAttributeValue("printContext") : null), AttributeItem.BOOLEAN_ATTR, "true"));
329 // attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("contextRole",
330 // (conf != null ? conf.getAttributeValue("contextRole") : null), AttributeItem.STRING_ATTR, null));
331 // attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("redirect",
332 // (conf != null ? conf.getAttributeValue("redirect") : null), AttributeItem.STRING_ATTR, null));
333 // attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("target",
334 // (conf != null ? conf.getAttributeValue("target") : null), AttributeItem.STRING_ATTR, null));
335 // attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("noindex",
336 // (conf != null ? conf.getAttributeValue("noindex") : null), AttributeItem.BOOLEAN_ATTR, "false"));
337 // attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("nofollow",
338 // (conf != null ? conf.getAttributeValue("nofollow") : null), AttributeItem.BOOLEAN_ATTR, "false"));
339 // attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("print-version",
340 // (conf != null ? conf.getAttributeValue("print-version") : null), AttributeItem.BOOLEAN_ATTR, "true"));
341 // attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("control-version",
342 // (conf != null ? conf.getAttributeValue("control-version") : null), AttributeItem.BOOLEAN_ATTR, "true"));
343 // attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("traversalNavigation",
344 // (conf != null ? conf.getAttributeValue("traversalNavigation") : null), AttributeItem.BOOLEAN_ATTR, "false"));
345 // attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("onTop",
346 // (conf != null ? conf.getAttributeValue("onTop") : null), AttributeItem.STRING_ATTR, null));
347 // attrSupport.addAttribute(new AttributeItem("onBottom",
348 // (conf != null ? conf.getAttributeValue("onBottom") : null), AttributeItem.STRING_ATTR, null));
349  }
351  @Override
352  public String getFullPath() {
353  // prepend application context
354  String tmp = ElephantContext.getRootWebPath() + path;
355  return (tmp.length() == 0 ? "/" : tmp);
356  }
358  @Override
359  public String getWebPath() {
360  String redirection = getRedirection();
361  if(Strings.isBlank(redirection)) {
362  return getFullPath();
363  } else if(redirection.startsWith("/")) {
364  return ElephantContext.getRootWebPath() + redirection;
365  } else if(redirection.contains("://")) {
366  return redirection;
367  } else {
368  return getFullPath() + "/" + redirection;
369  }
370  }
372  @Override
373  public String getPath() {
374  return path;
375  }
377  @Override
378  public int getLevel() {
379  return path == null ? 0 : path.split("\\/").length - 1;
380  }
382  @Override
383  public File getFile() {
384  return file;
385  }
387 // @Override
388 // public String getVerbosePath() {
389 // return getVerbosePath(null);
390 // }
391 //
392 // @Override
393 // public String getVerbosePath(IContext root) {
394 // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
395 // boolean render = root == null;
396 // for(IContext c : getAncestors()) {
397 // if(render) {
398 // sb.append(c.getName());
399 // sb.append(" ");
400 // }
401 // if(!render && c.equals(root)) render = true;
402 // }
403 // return sb.toString();
404 // }
406  @Override
407  public void startConstruction() throws ServletException, IOException {
408  final IElement element = getDefaultElement();
410  ElContext elContext = ElContextMap.getContext(path);
411  String template = elContext.getTemplate();
412  WebContext webContext = elContext.getWebContext();
415  if(webContext.isControlVersion() ||
416  constructor.isInRole("control-version:admin") ||
418  em.put("fileVersion", new FileVersionWrapper(element, 20, 3));
419  }
420  // Desactivat fins no tenir les plantilles carregades
421  if(webContext.isPrintVersion() && canPrint()) {
422  String printPath = ElephantContext.getRootWebPath() + "/print_" + getContext().getPath();
423  em.put("printPath", printPath);
424  em.put("printVersion", "<div id='print-version'><a class='newwindow' target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href='" + printPath + "'>" +
425  I_.get("Printer version") +
426  "</a></div>");
427  }
428  Navigator navigator = new Navigator(elContext);
429  navigator.setDynamicLoad("dynamic".equals(ElephantContext.getContextLoad()));
430  em.put("nav", navigator);
431  em.put("traversal", webContext.isTraversalNavigation());
432  em.put("body", element);
433  em.put("webmap", new WebMap(constructor));
434  element.loadData();
436  em.process("layout", template);
437  }
439  @Override
440  public IContext getParent() {
441  if(parent == null) {
442  ElContext elContext = getElContext();
443  if(elContext != null && elContext.getParent() != null) {
444  parent = elContext.getParent().getContext();
445  }
446 // if(!"/".equals(path) && path.indexOf("/") != -1) {
447 // parent = ContextFactory.getContext(constructor, path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/")));
448 // }
449  }
450  return parent;
451  }
453  @Override
454  public IContext[] getAncestors() {
455  if(ancestors == null) {
456  ArrayList v = new ArrayList();
457  ElContext elContext = getElContext();
458  if(elContext != null && !elContext.getAncestors().isEmpty()) {
459  for(ElContext child : elContext.getAncestors()) {
460  v.add(child.getContext());
461  }
462  }
463 // IContext tmp = this;
464 // v.add(this);
465 // while((tmp = tmp.getParent()) != null) {
466 // v.add(0, tmp);
467 // }
468  ancestors = (IContext[]) v.toArray(new IContext[0]);
469  }
470  return ancestors;
471  }
473  @Override
474  public IContext[] getChildren() {
475  if(children == null) {
476  ArrayList v = new ArrayList();
477  ElContext elContext = getElContext();
478  if(elContext != null && !elContext.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
479  for(ElContext child : elContext.getChildren()) {
480  v.add(child.getContext());
481  }
482  }
483 // IContext ctmp;
484 // if(file.isDirectory()) {
485 // File[] children = file.listFiles();
486 // for(int i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
487 // if(children[i].isDirectory())
488 // if(!constructor.isFileInternal(children[i])) {
489 // ctmp = ContextFactory.getContext(constructor, path + "/" + children[i].getName());
490 // v.add(ctmp);
491 // }
492 // }
493  children = (IContext[]) v.toArray(new IContext[0]);
494  }
495  return children;
496  }
498  @Override
499  public IContext[] getSiblings() {
500  ElContext elContext = getElContext();
501  ArrayList v = new ArrayList();
502  if(elContext != null) {
503  for(ElContext child : elContext.getSiblings()) {
504  v.add(child.getContext());
505  }
506  }
507  return (IContext[]) v.toArray(new IContext[0]);
508 // IContext parent = getParent();
509 // if(parent == null) {
510 // return new IContext[] { this };
511 // }
512 // else {
513 // return parent.getChildren();
514 // }
515  }
517 // @Override
518 // public IElement getElementById(String idel) {
519 // if(conf != null) {
520 // Element element;
521 // try {
522 // element = (Element) XPath.selectSingleNode(conf, "//element[@id='" + idel + "']");
523 // if(element != null) {
524 // IElement el = ContextFactory.getElement(this, element);
525 // if(el != null) {
526 // return el;
527 // }
528 // }
529 // } catch (JDOMException ex) {
530 // Logger.getLogger(DefaultContext.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, ElephantContext.logMsg(null), ex);
531 // }
532 // }
533 // return null;
534 // }
536  public String[] getBaseNames() {
537  TreeSet set = new TreeSet();
538  String name;
539  if(file.isDirectory()) {
540  File[] children = file.listFiles();
541  for(int i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
542  if(children[i].isFile()) {
543  name = FileUtil.baseName(children[i].getName());
544  if(name != null) {
545  set.add(name);
546  }
547  }
548  }
549  return (String[])set.toArray(new String[0]);
550  }
552  public String[] getLocaleResources(String preferredLocale) {
553  String[] baseName = getBaseNames(),
554  prefixes = getLocaleSufixes(preferredLocale);
555  TreeSet set = new TreeSet();
556  String name;
557  File resource;
558  if(file.isDirectory()) {
559  for(int b = 0; b < baseName.length; b++) {
560  for(int p = 0; p < prefixes.length; p++) {
561  resource = new File(
562  file.getAbsolutePath() + "/" +
563  baseName[b].replaceAll(FileUtil.VALID_EXT_REGEXP + "$", prefixes[p] + ".$1")
564  );
565  if(resource.exists()) {
566  set.add(resource.getName());
567  break;
568  }
569  }
570  }
571  }
572  return (String[])set.toArray(new String[0]);
573  }
575 // @Override
576 // public File getAbsoluteLocaleResource(String resource, String preferredLocale) {
577 // String[] prefixes = getLocaleSufixes(preferredLocale);
578 // File resFile;
579 // for(int p = 0; p < prefixes.length; p++) {
580 // resFile = new File(ElephantContext.getRealPath(resource).replaceAll(
581 // ANY_EXT_REGEXP + "$", prefixes[p] + ".$1"
582 // ));
583 // if(resFile.exists()) {
584 // return resFile;
585 // }
586 // }
587 // return null;
588 // }
590  @Override
592  return constructor;
593  }
595  @Override
596  public String getTypeName() {
597  return I_.get("element." + getType());
598  }
600  @Override
602  return attrSupport;
603  }
605  @Override
606  public void applyChanges() {
607  List attrs = conf.getAttributes();
608  Iterator it = attrs.iterator();
609  Attribute a;
610  while(it.hasNext()) {
611  a = (Attribute);
612  if(attrSupport.getAttribute(a.getName()) == null) {
613  it.remove();
614  }
615  }
616  it = attrSupport.keySet().iterator();
617  AttributeItem ai;
618  while(it.hasNext()) {
619  ai = (AttributeItem) attrSupport.getAttribute((String);
620  if(ai.getValue() != null) {
621  conf.setAttribute(, ai.getValue());
622  }
623  }
624  saveConfiguration();
625  WebContext.removeFrom(Path.of(path));
627  }
629  @Override
630  public void populateFromParent() {
631  if(getParent() == null) return;
635  attrSupport.getAttribute("contextRole").setValue(mgb.getAttributes().getAttributeValue("contextRole", null));
637  attrSupport.getAttribute("nofollow").setBooleanValue(mgb.getAttributes().getAttributeBooleanValue("nofollow", false));
638  attrSupport.getAttribute("print-version").setBooleanValue(mgb.getAttributes().getAttributeBooleanValue("print-version", false));
639  attrSupport.getAttribute("control-version").setBooleanValue(mgb.getAttributes().getAttributeBooleanValue("control-version", false));
640  attrSupport.getAttribute("traversalNavigation").setBooleanValue(mgb.getAttributes().getAttributeBooleanValue("traversalNavigation", false));
641  }
643  @Override
644  public String[] getLocaleSufixes(String preferredLocale) {
645  ArrayList v = new ArrayList();
646  String defaultLocale = null;
647  Set<String> defLocale = getDefaultLocales();
648  Locale[] locale = new Locale[] {I_.api().used()}; //getLocales().getPreferred().toArray(new Locale[0]);
649  if(!defLocale.isEmpty()) {
650  defaultLocale = defLocale.iterator().next();
651  }
652  // check preferredLocale
653  if(preferredLocale != null) {
654  v.add(preferredLocale);
655  if(preferredLocale.equals(defaultLocale))
656  if(!v.contains("")) v.add("");
657  }
658  // visitor preferences
659  String language, country, variant, curr;
660  int languageLength, countryLength, variantLength;
661  for(int l = 0; l < locale.length; l++) {
662  language = locale[l].getLanguage();
663  languageLength = language.length();
664  country = locale[l].getCountry();
665  countryLength = country.length();
666  variant = locale[l].getVariant();
667  variantLength = variant.length();
668  if(languageLength > 0 && countryLength > 0 && variantLength > 0) {
669  curr = "_" + language + "_" + country + "_" + variant;
670  if(!v.contains(curr)) v.add(curr);
671  if(curr.equals(defaultLocale))
672  if(!v.contains("")) v.add("");
673  }
674  if(languageLength > 0 && countryLength > 0) {
675  curr = "_" + language + "_" + country;
676  if(!v.contains(curr)) v.add(curr);
677  if(curr.equals(defaultLocale))
678  if(!v.contains("")) v.add("");
679  }
680  if(languageLength > 0) {
681  curr = "_" + language;
682  if(!v.contains(curr)) v.add(curr);
683  if(curr.equals(defaultLocale))
684  if(!v.contains("")) v.add("");
685  }
686  }
687  // and finally context preferences
688 // for(int l = 0; l < defLocale.length; l++) {
689 // if(!v.contains(defLocale[l])) v.add(defLocale[l]);
690 // if(defLocale[l].equals(defaultLocale))
691 // if(!v.contains("")) v.add("");
692 // }
693  for(String dl : defLocale) {
694  if(!v.contains(dl)) v.add(dl);
695  if(dl.equals(defaultLocale))
696  if(!v.contains("")) v.add("");
697  }
698  return (String[]) v.toArray(new String[0]);
699  }
702  return null;// new Repository(this);
703  }
705  private String getOrder() {
706  ElContext elContext = getElContext();
707  return elContext == null ? "000" : elContext.getWebContext().getOrder();
708  }
710 // private void readConfiguration() {
711 // SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
712 // Document doc;
713 // try {
714 // File confFile = new File(ElephantContext.getRealPath(path + CONTEXT_FILE));
715 // if(confFile.exists()) {
716 // doc =;
717 // conf = doc.getRootElement();
718 // }
719 // } catch (IOException | JDOMException ex) {
720 // Logger.getLogger(DefaultContext.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, ElephantContext.logMsg(null), ex);
721 // }
722 // }
724  private void saveConfiguration() {
725  try (OutputStreamWriter fw = FileUtil.getFileWriter(
727  Format fm = Format.getPrettyFormat();
728  fm.setEncoding(ElephantContext.getEncoding());
729  XMLOutputter xo = new XMLOutputter(fm);
730  xo.output(conf.getDocument(), fw);
731  } catch (IOException ex) {
732  Logger.getLogger(DefaultContext.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, ElephantContext.logMsg(null), ex);
733  }
734  }
736  @Override
737  public boolean inPath(IContext context) {
738  return context.getFullPath().matches(getFullPath() + "(\\/.*)?");
739  }
741  // TODO: if order attr, compare, if no order with order, order first,
742  // otherwise, compare ids.
743  @Override
744  public int compareTo(Object o) {
746  int result = 0;
747 // if(conf != null && dc.conf != null) {
748 // result ="order", ""),
749 // dc.getAttributes().getAttributeValue("order", ""));
750 //
751 // }
752  result =, dc.getOrder());
753  if(result == 0) {
754  result =, dc.getName());
755  }
756  if(result == 0) {
757  result =, dc.getId());
758  }
759  return result;
760  }
762  @Override
763  public boolean canDisplay() {
764  boolean showAlways = attrSupport.getAttributeBooleanValue("showAlways", false);
765  return isSelectable() && (showAlways || isInRole());
766  }
768  @Override
769  public boolean isSelectable() {
770  return getElContext().getWebContext().isShowInNavigators(); //attrSupport.getAttributeBooleanValue("showInNavigators", false);
771  }
773  @Override
774  public boolean isInRole() {
775  if(!UserMenus.isInRole(path)) return false;
777  if(parent != null && !parent.isInRole()) return false;
778  String contextRole = attrSupport.getAttributeValue("contextRole", null);
779  if(contextRole == null) return true;
780  return constructor.isInRole(contextRole);
781  }
783  @Override
784  public boolean canPrint() {
785  boolean canPrint = attrSupport.getAttributeBooleanValue("printContext", true);
786  return (canPrint && isInRole());
787  }
789  @Override
790  public FoundList search(String value, boolean ignoreCase) {
791  FoundList fl = new FoundList();
792  SearchFormatter sf = new SearchFormatter(value, ignoreCase);
793  sf.processLine(getName());
794  if(sf.wasFound()) {
795  fl.addItem(
796  getId() == null ? "" : getId(),
797  (getPath().length() == 0 ? "/" : getPath()),
798  "<img src='" + ElephantContext.getRootResourcePath() + "/_internal/system/images/context.gif'/>",
799  getName(),
800  sf.getResult(),
801  (double)sf.getFound(),
802  value
803  );
804  }
805  return fl;
806  }
808  private ElContext getElContext() {
809  return ElContextMap.getContext(path);
810  }
812  public static String locateRealContext(IConstructor constructor, String path) {
813  if(path == null) {
814  if(constructor.getRequest() == null) {
815  path = "/";
816  } else {
817  path = extractPath(constructor.getRequest().getServletPath());
818  }
819  } else {
820  path = path.replaceAll("[^\\/a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_\\.]", "_");
821  }
823  if(path.endsWith("/")) path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
824  return path;
825  }
827  public static String extractPath(String path) {
828  if(path == null) {
829  path = "/";
830  } else {
831  int p = path.indexOf("?");
832  if(p > -1) {
833  path = path.substring(0, p);
834  }
835  }
836  return path;
837  }
839 }
String getAttributeValue(String name, String defaultValue)
boolean getAttributeBooleanValue(String name, boolean defaultValue)
String[] getLocaleSufixes(String preferredLocale)
FoundList search(String value, boolean ignoreCase)
String[] getLocaleResources(String preferredLocale)
void setConstructor(IConstructor constructor, String path)
static String locateRealContext(IConstructor constructor, String path)
void setName(String lang, String newName)
void setDynamicLoad(boolean dynamicLoad)
static String baseName(String file)
static final String VALID_EXT_REGEXP
static boolean exists(String path)
static String toExisting(String path)
void addItem(String id, String link, String image, String title, String value, double similarity, String query)
static boolean isInRole(String path)
static ElContext getContext(IConstructor constructor)
TreeSet< ElContext > getChildren()
TreeSet< ElContext > getSiblings()
TreeSet< ElContext > getAncestors()
static boolean removeFrom(Path path)
static String get(String msg)
static I18nApiWrapper api()
void process(String rootTmpl, String tmpl)
Object put(Object key, Object value)
void setConfiguration(IConstructor constructor, ElContext context)