BrightSide Workbench Full Report + Source Code
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Turró i Cutiller Foundation. License notice.
3  * Copyright (C) 2012 Lluis Turró Cutiller <>
4  *
5  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8  * (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
16  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
17  */
19 package org.turro.financials.account;
21 import;
22 import;
23 import;
24 import;
25 import java.util.Collection;
26 import java.util.Date;
27 import java.util.HashMap;
28 import java.util.Map;
29 import java.util.TimeZone;
30 import java.util.logging.Level;
31 import java.util.logging.Logger;
32 import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap;
33 import jxl.Workbook;
34 import jxl.write.DateFormat;
35 import jxl.write.Label;
36 import jxl.write.WritableCellFormat;
37 import jxl.write.WritableSheet;
38 import jxl.write.WritableWorkbook;
39 import jxl.write.WriteException;
40 import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;
41 import;
42 import org.turro.command.Command;
43 import org.turro.command.Context;
44 import org.turro.contacts.Contact;
45 import org.turro.elephant.context.Application;
46 import org.turro.elephant.context.ElephantContext;
47 import org.turro.elephant.db.WhereClause;
48 import org.turro.elephant.util.DateFormats;
49 import org.turro.elephant.util.DecimalFormats;
50 import;
51 import org.turro.financials.db.FinancialsPU;
52 import org.turro.financials.entity.BookDefinition;
53 import org.turro.financials.entity.BookRegister;
54 import org.turro.financials.entity.Company;
55 import org.turro.financials.entity.Contract;
56 import org.turro.financials.entity.Document;
57 import org.turro.financials.entity.DocumentLine;
58 import org.turro.financials.entity.LineType;
59 import org.turro.financials.entity.OperatingModifier;
60 import org.turro.financials.entity.Register;
61 import org.turro.financials.entity.RegisterView;
62 import;
63 import org.turro.financials.model.document.AmountTaxable;
64 import org.turro.financials.model.document.DocumentAmountsByBook;
65 import org.turro.financials.model.register.ViewWrapper;
66 import org.turro.i18n.I_;
67 import org.turro.jpa.Dao;
68 import org.turro.jpa.export.ExportQuery;
69 import org.turro.plugin.contacts.IContact;
70 import org.turro.zkoss.dialog.InputDialog;
71 import org.turro.zkoss.dialog.InputField;
72 import org.turro.zkoss.print.OnDemandBeanCollection;
73 import org.turro.zkoss.print.ReportMenuitem;
74 import org.turro.zkoss.print.ReportPrint;
75 import org.turro.zul.frame.Framework;
76 import org.zkoss.zk.ui.HtmlBasedComponent;
77 import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page;
78 import org.zkoss.zul.Filedownload;
84 public class PrintBook extends ReportMenuitem {
86  private Integer year;
88  public PrintBook() {
89  }
91  @Override
92  protected void print(String type) {
93  doPrint(getPage(), year, type);
94  }
96  public static void doPrint(Page page, Integer year, final String type) {
97  final RegisterView formalView = ViewWrapper.getFormalView();
98  Integer startPage = 1;
99  year = new CheckDate().getYear();
102  Framework.getCurrent().getPage(),
103  I_.get("Books"),
104  new InputField[] {
105  new InputField("From", new CheckDate().setMonth(1).setDay(1).getDate(), null, 0),
106  new InputField("To", new CheckDate().setMonth(12).setDay(31).getDate(), null, 0),
107  new InputField("Start page", startPage, null, 0),
108  new InputField("Book", null, null, 0) {
109  @Override
110  protected HtmlBasedComponent createEditor() {
111  BookListbox bl = new BookListbox();
112  bl.setMold("select");
113  return bl;
114  }
115  },
116  new InputField("Export", Boolean.valueOf(false), null, 0)
117  }, new Command() {
118  @Override
119  public Object execute(Context context) {
120  BookDefinition bookDefinition = null;
121  Integer startPage = 1;
122  Date from = null, to = null;
123  Boolean export = false;
124  InputField[] fields = (InputField[]) context.get("fields");
125  if(fields.length > 0) {
126  for(InputField f : fields) {
127  if("From".equals(f.getLabel())) {
128  from = (Date) f.getValue();
129  } else if("To".equals(f.getLabel())) {
130  to = (Date) f.getValue();
131  } else if("Start page".equals(f.getLabel())) {
132  startPage = (Integer) f.getValue() - 1;
133  } else if("Book".equals(f.getLabel())) {
134  bookDefinition = (BookDefinition) f.getValue();
135  } else if("Export".equals(f.getLabel())) {
136  export = (Boolean) f.getValue();
137  }
138  }
139  if(from != null && to != null) {
140  if(bookDefinition.getId() == 4) {
141  Collection<Long> lines = getDocuments(formalView, from, to);
142  if(lines != null && lines.size() > 0) {
143  Map parameters = new HashMap();
144  int fractionDigits = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyCurrency().getDefaultFractionDigits();
145  Company company = CompanyWrapper.getDefaultCompany();
146  Contact companyContact = (Contact) company.getIContact().getContact();
147  parameters.put("labels", Application.getStringMap());
148  parameters.put("i_", I_.api());
149  parameters.put("i",;
150  parameters.put("k", I_.byKeyMap());
151  parameters.put("bookDef", bookDefinition);
152  parameters.put("majors", getMajorBook(bookDefinition));
153  parameters.put("title", I_.get("Book") + ": " + bookDefinition.getDescription());
154  parameters.put("company", company);
155  parameters.put("companyContact", companyContact);
156  parameters.put("dateFormat", DateFormats.getDefaultFormat());
157  parameters.put("currencyFormat", DecimalFormats.getStringFormat(fractionDigits));
158  parameters.put("exportFormat", type);
159  parameters.put("from", from);
160  parameters.put("to", to);
161  if(export) {
162  String name = ElephantContext.getSiteName() + "_Book" + bookDefinition.getDescription() + ".xls";
163, lines, parameters), new MimetypesFileTypeMap().getContentType(name), name);
164  } else {
165 // parameters.put("startPage", startPage);
166 // parameters.put("SUBREPORT_DIR", "../_reports/financials/accounting/");
167 // String file = "/WEB-INF/_reports/financials/accounting/PrintBookDocuments.jasper";
168 // OnDemandBeanCollection collection = new OnDemandBeanCollection(lines) {
169 // @Override
170 // protected Object getRealBean(Object bean) {
171 // return new FinancialsPU().find(BookRegister.class, (Long) bean);
172 // }
173 // };
174 // try {
175 // ReportPrint.print(I_.get("Books"),
176 // collection, parameters, file, null,
177 // type, null);
178 // } catch (JRException ex) {
179 // Logger.getLogger(PrintBook.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, ElephantContext.logMsg(null), ex);
180 // }
181  }
182  }
185  } else {
186  Collection<Long> lines = getBookRegisters(formalView, from, to, bookDefinition);
187  if(lines != null && lines.size() > 0) {
188  Map parameters = new HashMap();
189  int fractionDigits = CompanyWrapper.getCompanyCurrency().getDefaultFractionDigits();
190  Company company = CompanyWrapper.getDefaultCompany();
191  Contact companyContact = (Contact) company.getIContact().getContact();
192  parameters.put("labels", Application.getStringMap());
193  parameters.put("i_", I_.api());
194  parameters.put("i",;
195  parameters.put("k", I_.byKeyMap());
196  parameters.put("bookDef", bookDefinition);
197  parameters.put("majors", getMajorBook(bookDefinition));
198  parameters.put("title", I_.get("Book") + ": " + bookDefinition.getDescription());
199  parameters.put("company", company);
200  parameters.put("companyContact", companyContact);
201  parameters.put("dateFormat", DateFormats.getDefaultFormat());
202  parameters.put("currencyFormat", DecimalFormats.getStringFormat(fractionDigits));
203  parameters.put("exportFormat", type);
204  parameters.put("from", from);
205  parameters.put("to", to);
206  if(export) {
207  String name = ElephantContext.getSiteName() + "_Book" + bookDefinition.getDescription() + ".xls";
208, lines, parameters), new MimetypesFileTypeMap().getContentType(name), name);
209  } else {
210  parameters.put("startPage", startPage);
211  parameters.put("SUBREPORT_DIR", "../_reports/financials/accounting/");
212  String file = "/WEB-INF/_reports/financials/accounting/PrintBookDocuments.jasper";
213  OnDemandBeanCollection collection = new OnDemandBeanCollection(lines) {
214  @Override
215  protected Object getRealBean(Object bean) {
216  return new FinancialsPU().find(BookRegister.class, (Long) bean);
217  }
218  };
219  try {
220  ReportPrint.print(I_.get("Books"),
221  collection, parameters, file, null,
222  type, null);
223  } catch (JRException ex) {
224  Logger.getLogger(PrintBook.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, ElephantContext.logMsg(null), ex);
225  }
226  }
227  }
228  }
229  }
230  }
231  return null;
232  }
233  });
234  }
236  private static Collection<Long> getBookRegisters(RegisterView formalView, Date from, Date to, BookDefinition bookDefinition) {
237  WhereClause wc = new WhereClause();
238  wc.addClause("select");
239  wc.addClause("from BookRegister breg");
240  wc.addClause("where breg.bookDefinition = :bookDef");
241  wc.addNamedValue("bookDef", bookDefinition);
242  wc.addClause("and breg.register.view = :view");
243  wc.addNamedValue("view", formalView);
244  wc.addClause("and breg.register.registerDate >= :from");
245  wc.addNamedValue("from", from);
246  wc.addClause("and breg.register.registerDate <= :to");
247  wc.addNamedValue("to", to);
248  wc.addClause("order by breg.bookOrder");
250  Dao dao = new FinancialsPU();
251  return dao.getResultList(wc);
252  }
254  private static Collection<String> getMajorBook(BookDefinition bookDefinition) {
255  WhereClause wc = new WhereClause();
256  wc.addClause("select ma.account");
257  wc.addClause("from MajorAccount ma");
258  wc.addClause("where ma.bookDefinition = :bookDef");
259  wc.addNamedValue("bookDef", bookDefinition);
260  wc.addClause("order by ma.account desc");
262  Dao dao = new FinancialsPU();
263  return dao.getResultList(wc);
264  }
266  private static Collection<Long> getDocuments(RegisterView formalView, Date from, Date to) {
267  WhereClause wc = new WhereClause();
268  wc.addClause("select");
269  wc.addClause("from Document doc");
270  wc.addClause("where doc.contract.operatingModifier = :opMod");
271  wc.addNamedValue("opMod", OperatingModifier.OPMOD_INTRACOMMUNITY);
272  wc.addClause("and = 1");
273  wc.addClause("and doc.forcedView is null");
274  wc.addClause("and doc.receiptDate >= :from");
275  wc.addNamedValue("from", from);
276  wc.addClause("and doc.receiptDate <= :to");
277  wc.addNamedValue("to", to);
278  wc.addClause("order by doc.receiptDate");
280  Dao dao = new FinancialsPU();
281  return dao.getResultList(wc);
282  }
284  public static InputStream getExcel(String sheetName, Collection<Long> bookRegisters, Map parameters) {
285  try {
286  ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
287  WritableWorkbook ww = Workbook.createWorkbook(baos);
288  WritableSheet ws = ww.createSheet(sheetName, 0);
289  writeSheet(ws, bookRegisters, parameters);
290  ww.write();
291  ww.close();
292  baos.close();
293  return new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
294  } catch (WriteException | IOException ex) {
295  Logger.getLogger(ExportQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, ElephantContext.logMsg(null), ex);
296  }
297  return null;
298  }
300  private static void writeSheet(WritableSheet ws, Collection<Long> bookRegisters, Map parameters) throws WriteException {
301  int countCols = 0, countRows = 0;
302  BookDefinition bookDefinition = (BookDefinition) parameters.get("bookDef");
303  String[] columns = new String[] {
304  "No.Registre","No.Factura","Data recepció","Data","NIF / CIF","Expedidor","Tipus","IVA%","Base imposable","IVA","IRPF","Quota","Import"
305  };
306  for(String s : columns) {
307  ws.addCell(new Label(countCols++, countRows, s));
308  }
309  Dao dao = new FinancialsPU();
310  DateFormat df = new DateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
311  df.getDateFormat().setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
312  WritableCellFormat dateFmt = new WritableCellFormat(df);
313  for(Long bookRegisterId : bookRegisters) {
314  BookRegister bookRegister = dao.find(BookRegister.class, bookRegisterId);
315  if(bookRegister != null) {
316  Register register = bookRegister.getRegister();
317  Document document = register.getDocument();
318  if(document != null) {
319  Contract contract = document.getContract();
320  IContact contractor = contract.getIContractor();
321  DocumentAmountsByBook da = document.getAmountsByBook(bookDefinition);
322  for(AmountTaxable at : da.getTaxables()) {
323  if(at.getTax() == 0) {
324  for(DocumentLine dl : document.getDocumentLines()) {
325  LineType lt = dl.getLineType();
326  if(lt != null && lt.getId() == 183) {
327  countRows++;
328  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Number(0, countRows, bookRegister.getBookOrder()));
329  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(1, countRows, document.getDocumentNumber()));
330  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.DateTime(2, countRows, register.getRegisterDate(), dateFmt));
331  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.DateTime(3, countRows, document.getDocumentDate(), dateFmt));
332  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(4, countRows, contractor.getGlobalId()));
333  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(5, countRows, contractor.getName()));
334  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(6, countRows, I_.byKey(OperatingModifier.OPMOD_EXTRACOMMUNITY.toString())));
335  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Number(9, countRows, dl.getPrice()));
336  }/* else if(dl.getPrice() != 0.0) {
337  countRows++;
338  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Number(0, countRows, bookRegister.getBookOrder()));
339  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(1, countRows, document.getDocumentNumber()));
340  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.DateTime(2, countRows, register.getRegisterDate(), dateFmt));
341  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.DateTime(3, countRows, document.getDocumentDate(), dateFmt));
342  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(4, countRows, contractor.getGlobalId()));
343  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(5, countRows, contractor.getName()));
344  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(6, countRows, Application.getString(contract.getOperatingModifier().toString())));
345  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Number(8, countRows, dl.getPrice()));
346  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Number(11, countRows, dl.getPrice()));
347  }*/
348  }
349  } else {
350  countRows++;
351  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Number(0, countRows, bookRegister.getBookOrder()));
352  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(1, countRows, document.getDocumentNumber()));
353  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.DateTime(2, countRows, register.getRegisterDate(), dateFmt));
354  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.DateTime(3, countRows, document.getDocumentDate(), dateFmt));
355  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(4, countRows, contractor.getGlobalId()));
356  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(5, countRows, contractor.getName()));
357  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(6, countRows, I_.byKey(contract.getOperatingModifier().toString())));
358  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Number(7, countRows, at.getTax()));
359  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Number(8, countRows, at.getTaxable()));
360  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Number(9, countRows, at.getTaxAmount()));
361  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Number(10, countRows, da.getRetentions().getRetained()));
362  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Number(11, countRows, at.getTaxRealAmount()-at.getTaxAmount()));
363  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Number(12, countRows, at.getTotal()));
364  }
365  }
366  }
367  }
368  }
369  }
371  public static InputStream getExcelForDocuments(String sheetName, Collection<Long> documentIds, Map parameters) {
372  try {
373  ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
374  WritableWorkbook ww = Workbook.createWorkbook(baos);
375  WritableSheet ws = ww.createSheet(sheetName, 0);
376  writeSheetForDocuments(ws, documentIds, parameters);
377  ww.write();
378  ww.close();
379  baos.close();
380  return new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
381  } catch (WriteException | IOException ex) {
382  Logger.getLogger(ExportQuery.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, ElephantContext.logMsg(null), ex);
383  }
384  return null;
385  }
387  private static void writeSheetForDocuments(WritableSheet ws, Collection<Long> documentIds, Map parameters) throws WriteException {
388  int countCols = 0, countRows = 0;
389  BookDefinition bookDefinition = (BookDefinition) parameters.get("bookDef");
390  String[] columns = new String[] {
391  "No.Registre","No.Factura","Data recepció","Data","NIF / CIF","Expedidor","Tipus","IVA%","Base imposable","IVA","Quota","Import"
392  };
393  for(String s : columns) {
394  ws.addCell(new Label(countCols++, countRows, s));
395  }
396  Dao dao = new FinancialsPU();
397  DateFormat df = new DateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
398  df.getDateFormat().setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
399  WritableCellFormat dateFmt = new WritableCellFormat(df);
400  for(Long documentId : documentIds) {
401  Document document = dao.find(Document.class, documentId);
402  if(document != null) {
403  Contract contract = document.getContract();
404  IContact contractor = contract.getIContractor();
405  DocumentAmountsByBook da = document.getAmountsByBook(bookDefinition);
406  for(AmountTaxable at : da.getTaxables()) {
407  countRows++;
408  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(1, countRows, document.getDocumentNumber()));
409  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.DateTime(2, countRows, document.getReceiptDate(), dateFmt));
410  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.DateTime(3, countRows, document.getDocumentDate(), dateFmt));
411  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(4, countRows, contractor.getGlobalId()));
412  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(5, countRows, contractor.getName()));
413  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Label(6, countRows, I_.byKey(contract.getOperatingModifier().toString())));
414  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Number(8, countRows, at.getTaxable()));
415  ws.addCell(new jxl.write.Number(11, countRows, at.getTotal()));
416  }
417  }
418  }
419  }
421 }
static InputStream getExcel(String sheetName, Collection< Long > bookRegisters, Map parameters)
static InputStream getExcelForDocuments(String sheetName, Collection< Long > documentIds, Map parameters)
static void doPrint(Page page, Integer year, final String type)
static String get(String msg)
static void getInput(Page page, String title, String label, Object value, String format, int scale, final Command onOk)
static Framework getCurrent()